DATE ISSUED: Monday 24th March 2025 @ 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC)
VALID UNTIL: Tuesday midday (12:00 LST) 25th March 2025

WEATHER: This afternoon through Tuesday midday: Fair to partly cloudy and breezy with isolated showers possible.

Forecast High: 30°C / 86°F                       Forecast Low: 25°C / 77°F

Sunset Today: 6:24 P.M.                           Sunrise Tomorrow: 6:12 A.M.

SURFACE WINDS: This afternoon through Tuesday midday: Easterly with a gentle to moderate breeze of 10 to 18 mph.

SYNOPSIS: The Atlantic high pressure system will maintain mostly moderate winds across the region. Pockets of moisture will increase the probability of showers as they traverse the region.
Wave heights are forecast to gradually increase over the next few days due to increasing wind speeds. Persons with marine interests should remain vigilant.

STATE OF THE SEA:  Moderate        WAVES/SWELLS: 5 to 7 feet


OUTLOOK through Wednesday midday: Fair to partly cloudy and breezy with isolated showers.


The next weather forecast will be issued today at 18:00 LST (22:00 UTC).